Maelstrom’s Hollywood Party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel
A celebrity and V.I.P. gathering at the fashionable Beverly Hills resort
hotel to launch Maelstrom’s new series of epic adventure films featuring
“Hajji,” the mysterious Central Asian secret agent and action hero
created by novelist and film-maker Poke Runyon.
In the early evening of April 24th a glamorous crowd of fifty Hollywood and
New York producers, investors, actors and writers....
....gathered for refreshments
and munchies around the bar at pool-side for a three-hour get together with
host producers Poke Runyon (“Beyond Lemuria”)....
and Harvey Rochman
(“Lost Junction”).
Poke Runyon (in the white tuxedo)...
...displayed the colorful one-sheets for the
first two films in the new series: “From the Tower of Darkness” and “The King of Fear.”
Unfortunately Harvey Rochman’s “royal” gold-lame tux, and his Italian leisure suit,
were miss-routed to Alaska, so he was forced to appear as a Key West, Florida
Hostesses, Isabela and Vicky added a touch of glamour to this momentous event.
On Sunday afternoon Poke, and Harvey, hosted Hollywood veteran actor and producer
Ed Asner (CSI, April 29th, CBS) and other key personalities at a follow-up meeting pool-side at the Beverly Wilshire.
*** END ***